Dysgwyliaf wrth d'addewid bur
'Rwy'n disgwyl wrth d'addewid bur

(Cysuron Iachawdwriaeth)
Dysgwyliaf wrth d'addewid bur,
  O'r bore hyd y nawn,
Ac os caf brofi'r gloyw ddwr
  Mi fyddaf ddedwydd iawn.

Gâd imi brofi'r heddwch llawn,
  Y dwfr rhinweddol gwiw,
Ag sydd yn tardda'n loyw ffrwd
  O orsedd bur fy Nuw.

Rho imi yfed cariad rhad,
  Mewn dyrys anial dir,
A phrofi rhinwedd dwyfol ddawn,
  Cysuron gloyw clir.

Mi deithia'n ddifyr yn y blaen,
  Dros greigydd serth i'r làn:
A dof i olwg Sïon bur,
  Yn gynnar yn y man.
Dysgwyliaf :: 'Rwy'n disgwyl

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Bath Chapel (<1801)
Culross (Salmydd Ysgotaidd 1634)

gwelir: O tyred Arglwydd saif wrth raid

(The Comforts of Salvation)
I will wait for thy pure promise,
  From the morning until the evening,
And if I get to experience the bright water
  I shall be very happy.

Let me experience the full peace,
  The worthy, efficacious water,
Which springs as a bright stream
  From the pure throne of my God.

Grant me to drink gracious love,
  In a troublesome desert land,
And experience the merit of a divine gift,
  Bright, clear comforts.

I shall travel agreeably onward,
  Up over steep rocks:
And I shall come to the sight of pure Zion,
  Soon in a while.
I will wait :: I am waiting

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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